Over the last two decades the automotive key replacement industry has witnessed a flood of low-quality, inexpensive, and sometimes dangerous counterfeit products imported from overseas. Fight Fake Keys is an alliance of business leaders dedicated to consumer safety and preserving the long-term health of the automotive key replacement industry. Also, we’re committed to reducing, and ultimately eliminating, the ethical hazards associated with counterfeit automotive keys.
“As a key machine software developer, I often get tech support calls because a counterfeit key made of improper materials is not cutting as expected. We applaud your efforts to fight counterfeit keys.”
B.G. -- Houston, Texas
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Why is this such a serious issue? Counterfeit keys often circumvent U.S. laws and regulations. Poor quality control results in products that could malfunction or have a short useful life, putting consumer safety at risk. Counterfeit manufacturers often do not adhere to American standards related to child labor, worker safety, and the disposal of industrial waste. While low standards and shortcuts result in a lower product cost, they create an unlevel playing field, putting honest players at a competitive disadvantage. This chokes demand for legitimate, legally-made keys.
Learn more by downloading the white paper: “Avoiding the Epidemic of Counterfeit Keys.”
The most common violations include:
The possession, sale, or distribution of counterfeit automotive keys is a federal crime. More than a dozen federal agencies are responsible for protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights and preventing counterfeit goods from entering US markets.
FightFakeKeys.org proactively audits suspected counterfeit products. The auditing process investigates FTC and FCC compliance, trademark violations, and copyright infringement. When deemed necessary, firmware (the operating software programmed into devices) is also subject to examination. Based on circumstances and severity, violations may be reported to government authorities. Government action related to the investigation and prosecution of counterfeit activity may be published for the benefit of businesses and consumers.
If you suspect a company of possessing, selling, or distributing counterfeit automotive keys, report offenders to the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center.
Educate stakeholders and the public on the proliferation of counterfeits.
Alliance members proactively evaluate suspect products or resellers.
Products are tested for compliance with federal laws. If, a product is suspected to contain illegally copied firmware, the product will undergo detailed code analysis.
Intellectual property attorneys complete a legal analysis and report on the suspected organization.
The final report, along with samples of the suspected products, are sent to the appropriate federal agency to initiate legal action.
“I tried some keys from an overseas supplier a few years ago, before I knew about their suspect origins, and programmed them to my Ford Explorer. Three months later, I got a call from my wife saying the car wouldn’t start and that she was stranded across town with my two young daughters. After I confirmed the key was defective and fixed the problem, she made me promise to never test new keys on any car she drives.”
— P.S. Post Falls, ID